18 Jun
Fitness Strategies

Concentrates on improving flexibility. Stretching requires no fitness equipment. Types of stretching include Yoga and Pilates. Whether you decide to stretch before, after or during your exercise routine, there is no doubt that stretching should be included every time you exercise. It keeps your body agile while engaging in any type of resistance or cardio training routine.

Strength is one of the main fitness components, important for success in many sports. Certain sports, such as weight lifting, wrestling and weight throwing, it is the most important physical attribute. In many other sports, including team sports like rugby, good strength is also very important as part of the overall fitness profile. A vote of the top sports requiring strength has the obvious sport of weightlifting ranked highest. See also another list ranking sports in which strength is important.

Benefits of Strength and Conditioning Training

1. It improves general health
Strength and conditioning training coupled with a broader exercise routine and good nutrition will have a signicficant positive effect on your overall health and wellbeing.

2. It helps build long-term lifestyle changes
Strength and conditioning training is a great way to improve your “movement quality” so that you will enjoy your exercise routine more, making you more likely to keep it going!

3. It improves sporting performance
If sport is your thing, then a sport-specific strengthening and conditioning program will improve your speed, strength, agility, endurance and muscle strength.

4. It builds healthy bones
Regular weight bearing exercise and strengthening work can help prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures. 토토 additionally, stronger bones lead to a stronger musculoskeletal system which allows you to exercise safely and avoid injury.

5. It can help prevent injury
Adhering to a well-designed program will strengthen muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints, which will lead to fewer injuries. A good program will also address flexibility and strength deficits, which decreases injury.

6. Enjoy faster rehab
If you do suffer an injury but work at keeping your other muscles strong, it’s been proven that you will bounce back quicker.

7. It improves overall posture
Proper muscle conditioning helps you lift and hold your body upright, as a result of which, your spine, joints, organs and whole body, will sit in better alignment.

8. It raises your metabolism
You will increase your metabolism by developing more muscle mass through strengthening and conditioning exercises.

9. It helps improve balance
Regular strength training leads to better muscle control and balance. As a result, you’re less likely to fall, and if you do fall - as in point 5, your injury will be less severe.

10. It prevents obesity
When you build muscle, you burn more calories, therefore, strength training can actually prevent obesity. Many studies have shown that keeping your body fat down adds years to your life.

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