18 Jun
Target Sports

The sport of target shooting involves the use of air rifles, pistols, muzzle-loading rifles and pistols, and cartridge rifles (both rimfire and centrefire). Clay shooting, practical shotgun and practical rifle are also important branches of the target shooting disciplines.

All require concentration, self-discipline and great self-control. Being relaxed and focused is key for hitting the bullseye.

Target shooting is largely conducted within clubs. These clubs will usually have guns and equipment so that beginners can try the sport at minimum expense.
Air rifles and pistols are a popular and cost-effective way to enter the sport, but they should not be regarded only as an entry because they can be developed up to Olympic standard.

“Small-bore” rifles (of .22 calibre) are generally used at shorter range such as 25 yards but sometimes out to 100 yard. Larger rifles (termed “full-bore”) are shot at targets over much greater ranges, even up to 1000 yards.

Muzzle-loading pistols are either original antiques or modern replicas which are loaded by pouring gunpowder down the muzzle or into the front of the cylinder of a five- or six-shot revolver. These are shot at targets over ranges of 20/25 yards.
Another branch of this popular sport involves muzzle-loading rifles, muskets and shotguns, both flintlock and percussion (caplock), again using either genuine antique guns or modern replicas. These are shot at targets over greater ranges than the pistol.

Let’s take Archery 🏹 as an example

Archery requires intense short-burst concentration through the shot cycle. From picking a target and nocking an arrow to raising, drawing, aiming and release. The participant needs to intently concentrate on all aspects to achieve good form. This is necessary to create a repeatable process that leads to consistent aim and good shot groupings. The practice of good shooting is a mindful one. That process of concentration throughout the shot is one where the mind is encouraged to blank out all negative thoughts and focus solely on itself. 안전놀이터 Correct placement of your fingers on the string, the touch of your hand to your face when you anchor the shot, the push and pull in your arms, slow and steady breathing, and tension in your back throughout the release. All of this is only possible when the mind is fully in the moment. Mindfulness is a heightened state of self-awareness, a way of slowing down the moment and focusing only on that point in time, developing deep levels of consciousness of how the body feels, rather than by being solely driven by the constant jumble of thoughts and emotions in our heads. Becoming more aware of immediate physical sensations and our environment allows us to understand and process our mental traffic. It’s not about changing it, but more the ability to disassociate ourselves from it and see it for what it is, which is something that does not need to govern and define our lives.

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